Video shows Poole working out with Curry’s trainer

Jordan Poole’s talents were on full display in the 2022 NBA Finals as he stepped up comfortably into a larger role for the team. Many are quick to name him the “Splash Nephew” or “Mini Curry” because of the way he models his game after the four-time champion.

Now there is even more evidence proving so, as Poole is training in the weight room with Curry’s athletic trainer/director of performance, Carl Bergstrom. Carl posted to his Instagram account a video of Poole doing some spider push-ups.

In basketball, having a balanced and steady core can make all the difference. Just look at Curry’s jump shot; it is one of the purest shots you will see in the NBA. And the reasoning behind this is not just all the reps he puts in on the court, but also in the weight room. Now Carl is helping Poole to steady his core and including him in the same kind of workouts that he would put Curry through.

Obviously, JP is a much younger player but if he can master half of what Curry does on a regular basis at an earlier age, then he is setting himself up for success. His play is already remarkably similar to Curry’s, but he has a unique shiftiness that only a few players seem to have. That quick first step seems to be a lot faster than players realize and it is that combined with his craftiness that made him so special.

Fans should be ecstatic as Poole has had less trouble with injury unlike Curry early on but now, he is training with the best trainers available. He is being taught the value of keeping his body right and how it is his greatest asset on the court. The next step might be him training with Curry’s camp for cardio as his stamina is top tier in a Warriors offense that has him running around screens and getting guys open.

Fans saw Poole adapt to the offense with a healthy Warriors team and he flourished in it. So him keeping his body healthy and ready to play for the seasons to come is a great thing to see on social media. And it is even better when he is training with the best of the best.