Warriors Championship Parade Recap

The Golden State Warriors were back in San Francisco yesterday to celebrate their 4th ring in 8 seasons, bringing the trophy back for the first time since 2018. The celebration was out in full-force, drawing practically the whole of the Bay Area to Market Street to watch the champs celebrate their victory.

While it was initially suggested that there wouldn’t be a rally, as was typical of prior parades, the players were able to speak in front of a crowd with media coverage. While it was different than it traditionally has been, the parade itself more than made up for it with the antics of the Warriors as they celebrated. Here are just a couple highlights from the parade:

There were some great post-parade moments as well, from some of the team taking a post-parade hot tub session, and Steph raging like he probably did after his NCAA tournament run at Davidson:

During the β€œnon-rally” rally, there were some great quotes from Draymond Green as well. While there were plenty of speeches on the docket, this one in particular stuck out a bit:

And of course, there were plenty of Klay moments, from losing his hat on his boat on the way there, to accidentally knocking down a fan after tripping, but this one is one of the more iconic videos:

With these moments and plenty more, it’s clear the Warriors know how to have fun just as much as they know how to win. Congrats once more to the 2022 champions, the Golden State Warriors!

(Photo credit: John Hefti / Associated Press)