Unnamed NBA Player Reportedly Tapped Out After 5 Minutes of Stephen Curry Workout

Steph Curry is known for having some of the best conditioning throughout the NBA, as he is always in a constant state of motion in the Warriors offense. But just how hard his conditioning truly is, was revealed by NBA trainer Brandon Payne.

Payne went on the Basketball Illuminati podcast hosted by Amin Elhassan and Tom Haberstroh, and discussed some interesting information about one workout in particular. “We’ve had a player, who’s still in the NBA, go through the first five minutes (of the workout) sat down on the floor beside the door for about thirty seconds, stood up, went outside and threw up, and was done” he detailed on the cast.

The NBA player wasn’t named but it’s fair to say that the workout would tire even the greatest of athletes. Here is a visual representation of what part of Curry’s workout might look like:

“During this drill, Curry runs to opposite ends of the court: corner to corner, left wing to left wing, right wing to right win, corner to corner, then back to the top of the keys, shooting three-pointers at each spot. He has to do this in 55 seconds and make at least eight of his ten attempts” said Scott Davis of the Insider. If that is just a portion of the training that he does, then you might see why players have such a hard time keeping up. Additionally, that doesn’t account for the weightlifting and work that he puts in during practice time.

Both Draymond and Steve Kerr have alluded to Curry’s progress in the gym, saying that he can bench press with one-hundred-pound dumbbells and has put on a ton of muscle since his rookie season. In that respect, you must give props to Curry: The top athletes in any sport always find a way to push their bodies to the limit. And for the two-time MVP, the results show, as he doesn’t look to be slowing down anytime soon.

(Photo credit: Ezra Shaw / Getty Images)