Rockets' Rookie Josh Christopher's Old Tweets About Steph Curry Have Come to Surface

As sure as the the sun comes up every morning, an NBA rookie will get their old tweets pulled up in the first few weeks or so following draft night. The Rockets’ newly drafted Joshua Christopher was no exception.

I was alerted of an image someone put together which contained a tweet compilation of sorts of Steph Curry slander. There was multiple tweets from 2016, all bashing Curry, and they all came from Christopher, also known as JayGup, from his twitter page. Naturally, I posted it to twitter as some of the tweets were hilarious. Like the “Steven Adams > Steph Curry” one for example.

I give it to JayGup though, rather than deleting all of the old tweets in question or wiping his account clean, he simply responded to the tweet with “I was 14 😂 … and die hard Bron fan this is crazy 😂😂😂😂😂”. I’ll have to say, I respect that approach of simply honing up to it and addressing it. I found the interaction to be fun and lighthearted.

Many Warriors fans also joined in on the fun. Pulling up other old tweets from the rookie shooting guard in which he was continuing his onslaught of Curry/Warriors hate.

The tweets were endless…

The Houston fans got in on the fun and ran with it. Many of them applauding the rookie guard on his efforts to slander Curry, who has been tormenting the franchise for many years now.

All in all, it’s very clear Christopher was and probably still is a huge fan of LeBron James. And if you’re a LeBron fan, you have most certainly been hurt by the Baby-Faced Assassin on many occasions. I can count three specific occasions off the top of my head.

It will surely be fun to keep an eye on the Warriors schedule this season to see when Golden State’s first matchup with the Rockets will be. Although JayGup is a rookie and may not see the floor much, if he get’s assigned to defend Curry, or even gets switched onto him defensively, it could be a nightmare for the young man.