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Curry shares stance on his decision to back Kamala Harris

Golden State Warriors guard Stephen Curry has been open and upfront with his political views. With the upcoming 2024 U.S. presidential election looming, Curry is publicly endorsing Democratic nominee Kamala Harris.

In an interview with Emily Chang of Bloomberg Originals, Curry touched on his reasoning on why he chose to publicly back Harris at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago with a video message along with Warriors head coach Steve Kerr.

“I approach everything with decency and humanity. It’s not like I’m out here casting flames at the other side. It’s just - this is what I believe in. Whether you agree with me or not,” Curry said.

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Curry’s endorsement of Oakland native, (and Warriors fan) Harris comes without a surprise with Curry’s longstanding friendship with former President Obama, and the decision to endorse Joe Biden in 2020.

The NBA star has also been vocal about the decision made with teammates to skip a visit to the White House following championships in 2017 and 2018, while Trump was in office.

“You want to be able to foster positive conversations and want to be able to have an intelligent conversation about what is actually happening. I do hate the inherent, like backlash you would get if just say anything. Nobody will really hear what you say or how you say it,” Curry said.

“Not everybody is supposed to think the same way. Not everybody’s supposed to have the same beliefs, but you’re supposed to have a level of decency and humanity to say, I respect you. I understand where you’re coming from,” Curry said.

The response is spot on with what the Warriors’ face of the franchise has shown throughout his career. Being an upstanding character who acts with professionalism on and off the court.

(image via getty images)